Utesi village - A miracle in the making

This is Utesi village in a mountain in Rayagada District in Odisha. They are a very remote tribal group and very reclusive. They don't like strangers coming into their village and intruding their privacy. About 20 years ago a missionary was killed in the village. As such no-one wanted to go into this village.

Five years ago, Bishop Anjan asked me if they should go into this village. I was hesitant in view of the history of these violent people. After much prayer, we decided to venture into this village. 

This time we brought food and medication for the villagers. We were received warmly by the village head. Our team was shocked to see how backward these people were. They don't shower or brush they teeth, hygiene was almost non existent and no toilets. They literally eat off the ground. Most of them die in their 30's because of poor medical conditions and the use of illegal alcohol. 

We then proposed to the village head if we can start a tuition centre in the village as the kids don't go to school. The village head agreed.

We stationed a young couple to live in the village and started a tuition centre. It was a risk we took as there were no telecommunication facilities then in that village. But God was our protector. 

The kids were taught hygiene and basic subjects, but most importantly the Word of God. Many of the kids began to accept the Lord as their personal saviour.

After five years of hard labour, today we have a small church in the village, who worship Jesus as Lord. The village head is asking if we can built a church in that village. The blood of the martyr's was never shed in vain. 

Many thought it was impossible to enter this village. But nothing is impossible with our God. Utesi is a testament to that. All that is needed is faith and compassion.

I am thankful to Bishop Anjan and his team for the passion and the perseverance to reach the unreached for Christ. I am humbled by their sacrifices, even willing to lay down their lives for Christ.


  1. Wow! Wonderful News! Praise the Lord. Great achievement and salute to the pastors for their courageous work. 🙏🏽


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