
Showing posts from March, 2013

Easter Sunday - He is not here

Mathew 28:6 - He is not here, He has risen. What a glorious announcement. The hope of Christianity,  in fact the hope of the world, hinges on those words proclaimed by the angel. The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. The reason why Christianity is still alive , even today. If the resurrection did not take place, our faith is in vain. "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith" (1 Corinthians 15:14) . Our salvation depends not just on Jesus’ death, but also his resurrection (1 Peter 3:21) . Those words echo four fundamental exclusive truths that are still relevant today in a pluralistic world. First it is a living Faith .   He is risen. Every one born in this world lived and died. Death is 100%. Even those who were raised from the dead, like Lazarus,  died again. Jesus is the only person who spoke of His death and foretold of His resurrection. The empty tome is proof that He is a live forevermore. Mary saw Him at the tomb. He was see

"It is finished" - Jesus Christ

John 19:30 - When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. It's Good Friday again. The world pauses and recollects the events that changed the course of history. For me it was a time to reflect on the finished work of our Lord on the cross. He paid the price for my redemption. But it dawned on me that Jesus, himself, had a task to do while on this earth, He was on a mission. There was a time frame. There was a script to follow. In military terms , there was an objective he had to capture. Anything short would have been a disaster. But towards the end, in spite of the agony at Gethsemane, the unfair trail, humiliating and torturous journey via Dalarosa, Jesus cried, "It is finished". What an achievement. What a fitting eulogy.  Jesus was faithful to His mission - Hebrew 3:2 Jesus was focused on His mission - Luke 9:51 Jesus finished His mission - John 19:30  Judas towards th

Next Mission Trip to Tamil Nadu

The next trip is from 23-28 Apr to Tamil Nadu. The objectives of the trip are : Dedication of the 2nd floor of Shadrach Home Students Graduation One church Dedication Visit 4 Church Planters Work     So far 15 are confirmed going. Please pray : F or a mighty move of the Holy Spirit in this trip. For all the admin arrangm ents that it will be orferly J ourn ey mercies and good health   God bl ess you as you remember us in prayer .

Envy - Bone Cancer

Proverbs 14:30 - A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. The first reported case of envy is recorded in Genesis 4, although some are of the opinion that it existed even before in Lucifer. That. in my opinion is far-fetched. The Bible tells us that Cain was envious that God accepted his brother's offering and rejected his. Envy turned into jealously. It later became hatred and eventfully conceived the first murder. Solomon, in his God given wisdom, has equated envy to that of bone marrow cancer.Cancer is a deadly disease even today. And so is envy. From bone cancer arises various other form of cancers including leukemia. And so is envy. If not checked, proliferates into various other deadly evils.  On English dictionary describes envy as a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions. Jealousy on the other hand is defined as a feeling resentment against someone because of that

Additions in Pana, Bhutan

We praise God another five new souls were baptized in Pana. One of them was a man who got sick as a result of using witch craft. Through the work of our CPs, the Lord delivered him and healed him as well. This miracle has rattled the whole village and they are ready to listen to the gospel. Pray more souls will be saved. The Pastor here is a young man by the name of John and he is 24 year old. All glory to God. Group picture after the baptism. We dedicated the church in Sep last year.

Formula for success....Give God's Word the number one priority

Deut 11:18-25 Read your Bible and pray everyday...if you want to grow. An old familiar Sunday School song. But it still holds its meaning even today. As Christians we are taught to read God's Word daily, its the nourishment for the soul. Mathew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"  But as we progress, the pressures of work, family and other commitments tends to push the Word to a lower priority in the daily routine. Once held number one, it slips to the just before bedtime, something to put us to bed. Bible does not appeal to us as much as it did in the early years. Bible reading becomes a ritual, a duty, done to abbey the conscience. Books about the Bible become more important and takes more of our time, than  the Word itself. Slowly its forgotten for a few days and gets jolted back after a fiery admonishing sermon  in church. That sermon carries the momentum for a

Update from the field - Fasting and Prayer

Mail from Pst Nehemiah, AP Coordinator _______________________ Good Morning sir, Greetings in Jesus name. Sir, thanks for all your prayers for the special Fasting prayers of our PEC pastors As I informed earlier in this month 5, 6 & 7 th Mar , we had special fasting prayers for our Pastors. In these days 9 am to 4 PM we had time of prayer and meditation. On 6&7 th Mar evening we had special Gospel meetings.  Really every one encouraged and strengthened by the prayer and Word of God. Few of our Senior pastors and out side 3 other pastors also came and took few teaching classes. Specially studied Acts of Apostles 1 to 12 Chapters.    We prayed for all the work of PEC in India and other parts of the World. As well as for all individuals & Mission board in Singapore. Monday and Tuesday fasting prayers at Rampachodavaram Bible school. Rest of other pastors are going to come to this place.  Thank you very much sir. Bishop Nehemia

Psalms 37:1-9 - When falsely accused

What do you do when you are taken for a ride? What if someone falsely accuses you for things you did not do? What do you do when people reward your good with evil? What do you do when you see the wicked prospering and you seem to be in the bottomless pit. I am sure David had this questions racing his mind every time King Saul was after him. Even Jesus our Lord was falsely accused, so were the disciples.  What do we do in such circumstances? In the text above David gives some guidelines as how respond to such situations. Firstly in verse 1-2 , David challenges us not to look at the circumstances. Don't Worry or be jealous.  This is because God will take care of the wicked, they will wither away. By worrying or being jealous, we fall straight into the trap the devil has set before us. In Acts 7:59, while Stephen was being stoned, he cried, “ Lord, do not hold this sin against them," That's exactly what Jesus prayed when he was hanging on the cross. Secondly in