Heading back home

We left Agra at about 9:00AM on 2 Aug as Pst Rahul had a family matter to attend to in Delhi. The weather was better than the previous days and it was a pleasant drive until we hit the outskirts of Delhi, where the traffic was almost crawling. It was almost 2:30PM when we stopped for lunch in New Delhi. A three hour drive took us almost five hours.

After a nice lunch, Pst Rahul and Deepak dropped us off at the airport. I thank God for these wonderful brothers for for the "divine appointment", how God brought us together. I am specially glad to see their partnership with HPL and how the work is flourishing in many states in India.

We were still early for our flight. I decided to venture on my own and took the metro for a short ride to explore a little of Delhi.

I returned back to the airport at 5:30PM and sent Seegan to his departure for the domestic flight. Seegan said the he has learnt many things on this trip and was specially amazed to see and witness the passion and leadership qualities of the two brothers. "I have got many things to share with my father", he said. 

My flight on SQ was uneventful. I arrived Singapore today at 6:00AM and Jonathan was there as usual to pick me up.

Thanking God for another wonderful journey.


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