15th Anniversary - PEC Odisha

Today, church planters and their wives celebrated PEC's mission work in Odisha for the last 15 years. I wished I was there. It was time to thank God for His faithfulness, without which nothing would have been accomplished. I am indeed grateful to Bishop Anjan and his team for the amazing work they have done. PEC is now one of the established mission organisation in Odisha, reaching the unreached for the Lord and on the way to end gospel poverty in this difficult state.

There had been many challenges but "with Christ in the vessel, we can smile through the storm".

Hundreds of churches have been planted, thousands ushered into the kingdom of God.

I am humbled by this celebration and am thankful to everyone who played a part, sponsored, prayed and stood with us through this momentous journey.

To God alone be all the glory.


Note. from Bishop Anjan

Dear Sir,

15th anniversary of praise Evangelical Church Odisha. 

Lots of thanks to our dear sir Ramachandran . 

Thank you so much sir for your supported your leadership, thank you for always keeping us in prayer. 

Thank you for setting the right example for us. You showed us what servant leader means and your life is a big encouragement for all of us.

Within this 15 years we have seen so many ups and downs in the ministry, many left us for no reason. Pastors were threaten and  beaten, many churches were destroyed in many different places in Odisha. But by the grace of God and through your prayer we are able to continue PEC's ministry here in Odisha. 

We are very much thankful to you dear sir for always standing with us in every situation in our personal & ministerial lives. Thank you for you counsel and guidance and the wisdom you shared with us.

We are also thankful to PEC Singapore for their love and support. 

Thank you so much sir for your love and concern.

On behalf of everyone in PEC's family in Odisha

Bishop Anjan

PEC Coordinator for Odisha and Chhattisgarh 


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