Devotion - Psalms 44: 6-7 - Its God who gives the victory

Psalms 44:6-7 - I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame.

Any soldier will know that the basic weapon of warfare, in those days, were the bow and sword. Without which no soldier will not venture into the battle field. Even the famed Goliath was geared in full battle order when he faced David with the stones and the sling.

Isn't it a paradox then that David, one of the finest soldiers Israel had ever produced, proclaims that its not the bow and the sword that gives the victory. Its is the Lord, Jehovah, that gives the victory.

I don't think David is trying to say that we should not prepare ourselves for warfare. His concern is that we recognize that ultimately its the Lord that gives the victory. A few things we need to remember:

  • Human efforts are necessary in the God-man partnership

  • Human efforts alone does not guarantee God intended results

  • Recognize that its God that always gives us the victory

  • Putting the enemy to shame is God's business

Many times we are tempted to retaliate when people speak ill of us or hurl abuses to bring us to rock bottom. If we recognize that God gives the victory, we should also recognize that it is God who will deal with our enemies. Human engineered justice results in unscrupulous behavior. God, on the other hand deals with righteousness.

When Job's friends spoke ill of Job, God intervened in Job 42: 7 - “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has." Job had to intercede for his friends. Verse 10 says - After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

What a picture of true Godly character. Here Job intercedes for his enemies and the result is God double his blessings and puts the enemy to shame.

I will not use human wisdom to engage my adversaries. I will trust Him who give us victory over our enemies, and put our adversaries to shame.


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