
Showing posts from February, 2018

2 Day Seminar for CPs

It was good to see our church planters again. These are good young men with passion for God and the ministry. About 40 of them came for this seminar. Bro Ajith shared his testimony for the first time before a crowd. The CPs were blessed by his sharing. I conducted two days of teaching for our CPs. I taught the following: Fruitfulness: Fruit verses the Tree Tests and Temptation in teh life of a Leader The sessions were well received. We had a great time of prayer, discussions and studying the Word. together  These men have planted 75 churches in the last 5 years. I challenged them to plant the 100th church in Odisha by the end of the year. We, will, but the grace of God. The harvest indeed is ripe. We also had the opportunity to meet with the boys from Shadrach Home. They are growing fast and can see that they are growing in the faith as well. These boys need an English tutor. It cost about $100  Da month to engage a tutor. This is an urgent request.

Mission Trip to Odisha

Arrived Singapore from Medan on 24 Feb at about 7pm. Waited until 10:00pm for Jeya to arrive from KL. She went there to attend a colleague's weeding. Next morning on 25 Feb attended Sunday morning service at 10AM and in the afternoon, Jonathan drove me to the airport for my next assignment. On 25 Feb, Ajith and I departed Singapore at about 4:30PM for Vizag via KL. This is Ajith's first mission trip. Somehow he managed to get his leave approved and was able to make it for the trip. The flight journey to Vizag was uneventful and Bishop Anjan was at the airport to receive us. From there we travelled by road to a new district, Nabaringpur, to see the church planting work done by PEC church planters. It was a long drive through winding mountain roads and forests. I was not well and was nauseating.  I had to stop along the way a few times to throw out. I guess it was the food I ate on AirAsia. Lesson learn: No food on board budget flights. By the time we reached our &

Two days of Equip Training

I conducted two days of John Maxwell's Equip Leadership Training for about 30 participants. The participants were mostly Pastors from churches in Medan and a number from Geraja Bethel International (GBI) Bible School. The training as well received and the feedback was good. Had a chance to meet Pst Alex from the local church which hosted the program. Looking forward to working with him in the days to come. My interpreter was Rev Robert from GBI - The House of Sacrifice. He is one of the senior pastors of the church which has a membership of 50,000. He took us to his church, which is still on construction, and which can sit about 20,000 at a time.  ts was a "WOW" feeling seeing the huge building.  Its is going to be the largest in SE Asia. So surprised to see how the church of God has expended in Medan. This church has baptism service every Sunday, at least about 50 per Sunday. Pst Robert invited me to speak to his B.Th students, which I did.   By the wa

Billy Graham - Marches Home

7 Nov 1918- 22 Feb 2018 “Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.” - Billy Graham Billy Graham, was faithful to the faith, faithful to the fight and faithful to the finish!!! May all who come behind us find us faithful!!! "While Angels and Arcade Angels Singing, our loving Father embrace you, what precious moments.  Our deepest sorrow full Good bye Dear Bro Billy Graham. History will remember you as the greatest man of God that ever lived on this planet. May God raise up many more like you! Good bye on earth & a grand welcome in Heaven." - quote from  Facebook

Trip to Medan, Indonesia

I am already checked in and sitting at my favourite lounge, "The Oasis". My friend Nick has been so kind to allow me to use the facilities whenever I transit Terminal 1. This trip is to Medan. Its both a teaching/exploration trip. Sis Evelyn has organised a leadership seminar for some key leaders in that region. Sis Evelyn has been instrumental in connecting to Myanmar and the Philippines for leadership training. Out of that program a CP movement has started, at least in Myanmar.  Praying that God will open doors for a greater harvest in the days to come. To God be the glory

Office or the officer

If you have served in the church for some time, you would have been accustomed to accusations and insults from your own members and leaders. Most of the time they are unfounded and often prompted by pride, jealously or envy. It always lighter if these are from the external sources but it's so painful when it comes from your very own flock. How does one respond to these allegations or insults. I am reminded of Aaron's rod that budded. The children of Israel murmured against Mosses and Aaron. They questioned their authority and incited a rebellion. In order to show that Aaron and his tribe are specially chosen,  the Lord performed a miracle by causing Aaron's rod to bud and flower while the rod of the representatives of the other tribes didn't.   God commanded Moses to have the leader of each tribe of Israel bring his rod or staff to the tent of meeting, with Aaron’s rod representing the tribe of Levi. Each of the twelve leaders was to have his name inscribed on

Seminar on Pluralism

We had a wonderful whole day seminar in church in the subject of Pluralism. Pst Sam was our guest speaker. We had the opportunity to learn about different word views and their sensitivities. More than 35 members attended the sessions which started at 9AM and finished at 6PM. It was indeed a blessing.

In Agra

We arrived Delhi on 2 Feb and Pst Raul and Pst Stephen met us at the airport. It was a joy to meet Pst Stephen in Delhi. Amazing to see how God is brining people together to fulfil the Great Commission. It took us 5 hrs to get to Agra, 2 of which was spent on the roads in Delhi. Blame it on the traffic. On 3 rd Feb a seminar was conducted for the church planters and pastors from Agra. Pst Stephen and Pst Pathi took sessions on “Leadership principles for the Book of Nehemiah”. On Sunday we had the graduation ceremony for the 1 st batch of CPs from Agra. The 9 students were very excited and the ceremony was well handled. I shared the Word. Pst Stephen shared some words of encouragement for the graduates and I shared the Word.   For me this graduation was special, as another church has been influenced to start a church planting movement in India. This is an answer to prayer. I am praying that more churches in Singapore and India will for this exa

Church Dedication in West Godavari

Praise God for a new month in 2018. We took a fight to Rajamondry for the 4 th church dedication. From Rajamondry it took an hour to reach Rampachodavarum by road. It was a joy to meet Pst Prabudas and his wife again. We had a sumptuous lunch at his place, after which we proceeded for the church dedication. On the way we dedicated a bore-well in a village, we had built a church in 2012. Sis Santa J Pillai well sponsored this bore. The 4 th church dedication was in a village called Ramanapallem, East Godawari District. The church planter in this village is Pst Yohan. Bro Ho and family sponsor this building. About 100 people were present for the graduation. These are simple village people and they were so sincere in their worship. The kids too worshipped seriously and they were so well disciplined. Sis Calai shared the Word and she spoke on “Faith in God”. After the dedication we made our way back to Rajahmoundy