
Showing posts from August, 2024

Great time in Cairo -DWAM

I am sitting at the transit lounge at Abu Dhabi Airport and awaiting for my flight back to Singapore. Just reminiscing what had transpired in the last few days. This was my third trip to this blessed country. I arrived Cairo at about 6AM on 22 Aug. The customs and immigrations was a breeze. Thank God for it.  From the airport I was taken to the resort which was about 2 hrs away. It was pleasant in the morning but as the sun rose it became hot and dry. Temperature hover at about 39 degC on the high. It was four wonderful days in Cairo with professionals from the medical fraternity. More than 200 people from the middle-east gathered for this conference. Each sessions were preceded with a time of worship and one would have thought that we were in heaven. Unison worship from almost all the participants, lifted us into the presence of the Lord. I am now certain that Arabic will be the official language in heaven. 🤣🤣 I had the privilege to address the conference on two occasions. The theme

15th Anniversary - PEC Odisha

Today, church planters and their wives celebrated PEC's mission work in Odisha for the last 15 years. I wished I was there. It was time to thank God for His faithfulness,  without  which nothing would have been accomplished. I am indeed grateful to Bishop  Anjan  and his team for the amazing work they have done. PEC is now one of the established mission organisation in Odisha, reaching the unreached for the Lord and on the way to end gospel poverty in this  difficult  state. There had been many challenges but "with Christ in the vessel, we can smile through the storm". Hundreds  of  churches  have been planted, thousands u shered  into the kingdom of God. I am humbled by this celebration and am thankful to everyone who  played a part, sponsored, prayed and stood with us through this momentous journey. To God alone be all the glory. ============== Note. from Bishop Anjan Dear Sir, 15th anniversary of praise Evangelical Church Odisha.   Lots of thanks to our dear sir Ramach

Utesi village - A miracle in the making

This is Utesi village in a mountain in Rayagada District in Odisha. They are a very remote tribal group and very reclusive. They don't like strangers coming into their village and intruding their privacy. About 20 years ago a missionary was killed in the village. As such no-one wanted to go into this village. Five years ago, Bishop Anjan asked me if they should go into this village. I was hesitant in view of the history of these violent people. After much prayer, we decided to venture into this village.  This time we brought food and medication for the villagers. We were received warmly by the village head. Our team was shocked to see how backward these people were. They don't shower or brush they teeth, hygiene was almost non existent and no toilets. They literally eat off the ground. Most of them die in their 30's because of poor medical conditions and the use of illegal alcohol.  We then proposed to the village head if we can start a tuition centre in the village as the

Graduation of the 2nd batch of of CPTC Students.

Today we had the graduation of the 2nd batch of the CPTC program in Gujarat, Pakistan. 10 students graduated from this batch after a five month course. The training covered both leadership and theological subjects. Both local and overseas faculty were involved in the teaching. I thank God for Pst Ashraf and his team who are keen to train young men with skills to be the "salt and the light".  These students have been very eager to learn and diligent in their studies. May they impact Pakistan with the skills they have learnt and be a blessing. About 70 people attended the graduation ceremony. Family, friends and partners were represented in the graduation. Some of the faculty joined via zoom for the celebration. The feedback from the students was very positive and we thank God for the opportunity to train the young people in Pakistan. We are looking forward to the next batch. Praying that God will give us the right sponsors to conduct this program.  To God be the glory

Heading back home

We left Agra at about 9:00AM on 2 Aug as Pst Rahul had a family matter to attend to in Delhi. The weather was better than the previous days and it was a pleasant drive until we hit the outskirts of Delhi, where the traffic was almost crawling. It was almost 2:30PM when we stopped for lunch in New Delhi. A three hour drive took us almost five hours. After a nice lunch, Pst Rahul and Deepak dropped us off at the airport. I thank God for these wonderful brothers for for the "divine appointment", how God brought us together. I am specially glad to see their partnership with HPL and how the work is flourishing in many states in India. We were still early for our flight. I decided to venture on my own and took the metro for a short ride to explore a little of Delhi. I returned back to the airport at 5:30PM and sent Seegan to his departure for the domestic flight. Seegan said the he has learnt many things on this trip and was specially amazed to see and witness the passion and leade

Teaching in Agra

Over the last few days, I have been teaching at HighPointe Life School Leadership to 27 students. These were matured students, some pastors, who had a high desire for learning.  The weather has been exceptionally hot and humid, although the temperature reading was between 31-33 degC. On 29 Jul, I was not well. Had fever and body aches. Ps John asked me to rest but how can I. The students have come expectantly, wanting to study. the Lord gave me strength and vigour to go through the last four days.  A very interactive and participatory group. Many questions and issues were raised and discussed and I was blessed teaching these students.  On Wednesday afternoon, it started to rain and that cooled the weather somewhat. But it was flooded everywhere. I thank God for Singapore. We are fortunate. 

Visit to the Taj Mahal

This morning, Seegan and I visited the Taj Mahal at 6:00AM in the morning. This is was the only slot we had to do some sightseeing. I had visited this wonder before with Jeya but this was the first for Seegan.  We departed our hotel at 5:30AM. The weather was cooler than the previous days as it rained last evening and the early part of the night. It was bright at 5:45AM. The Tai was about 2.5KM away from our hotel and so we took a brisk walk. (I was quite familiar with the surroundings by now).🤣🤣 The Taj Mahal is a sight to be behold. The road to the Taj has been improved considerably, compared to the last time we visited in Dec 2016. But sadly the roads were still littered by the droppings of cows and dogs. with too many monkeys on the road and trees. I hope the ADA will do something about this to improve the image of India to the outside world. (I have been to the Great Wall of China and what a contrast in terms of cleanliness, presentation and atmosphere) Once again the Taj is a b