Weekend at GNF, Kuching

Jeya and I were invited to speak at Good New Fellowship (GNF) in Kuching, Sarawak, last weekend. GNF has been partnership PEC in supporting church planters in Tamil Nadu and Odisha. GNF, itself  has planted many churches in Sarawak, especially in the native areas, in the hills and mountains. Their support in India has led to the planting of many new churches. 

I have been to Kuching a few times but this was the first for Jeya. A nice small town, peaceful and generally quiet. I loved it there.

From the airport our first stop was for a "chendol delight" with Sis Lydia, another of our partners in the mission field. 

On Saturday (13 Jul) we spoke at GNF's Bahasa service. About 150 people were there and the tangible presence of the Lord filled the place. 

Pst Leslie and his wife hosted us and I was amazed at how organised the church was. I spoke on the "Incomparable Love of God" and many people responded. People were weeping in the presence of the Lord, something that I have not seen in a while. 

That evening we had dinner with Senior Pastor Jerry and his wife, together with my dear friends Brian Lee, Soo Teck and their families. We reminisced our journey and caught-up with family news and ministry updates.

Sunday morning (14 Jul) was at the main English service at GNF. About 200 worshippers had gathered and the worship was simply uplifting. Again we could sense the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. From children to adults, they were engaged in the presence of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit ministered to may people in the service. We were blessed and the message was "Go Deeper". 

It was great joy to meet Pst Jeff and his wife Pst Su Wei, both keenly involved with our ministry. Wonderful people with such passion and commitment for the Lord. Glad to catch up with them. 

It was always a blessing to meet Brain and his wife, who are always ready to serve with a servant heart. They are excellent hosts and Brian took the time to read us in a lovely club house and later drove us around Kuching, before we headed for the airport. It has been a privilege to meet and partner with such people. Humble and sincere. 

Not forgetting our dear friends, Soo Teck and Li Ern. It was a joy to meet their two toddlers. In spite of their children being sick, they came to the airport to receive us and even to send us off. Young people with such great passion and love for the Master. I am always encouraged to see their dedication and commitment, amidst the many challenges they face. PEC's Missions has been greatly blessed by their contributions and support. 

We thank God for a wonderful trip and to meet like minded people, passionate for the Kingdom. All glory to God for all that He is doing in Kuching.


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