New School Dedication in Berastagi


Jeya and I departed for Medan on 25 Jul at about 2:00PM for Medan. we were on our way to Berastagi for the school opening ceremony. At Changi Airport, we met Jeremy, Bishop Ezra's son, who was also going there for the occasion. 

On arrival at Medan, we met Stanley, Pst Sam Rasoo's son, who was also going for the same event. Together we all departed in the same vehicle for Berastagi. 

Along the way at the outskirts of Medan, our vehicle was involved in a 4 car collision. Fortunately no one's hurt. All the cars had damage to various degrees. We were stuck on the road for more than an hour, waiting for the police to arrive. After some "settlement" we were back on our way to Berastagi.

We arrived at Berastagi about 7:00PM. It was so good to meet Bishop Ezra and his wife Ps Janice. Many people from Singapore and other parts of Indonesia have also arrived for the special occasion.

On 26 Jul, was the official opening of the Elim Kairos School and also the celebration of Elim Kairos 39th Anniversary. The weather was pleasant and the beautiful atmosphere. I was amazed to see how Bishop Ezra had persevered all these years, in spite of the many challenges. He started from humble beginnings in 1985 and today it had grown to a huge ministry. I remember when he first started, he could not even speak English well. It was a small cell group, with 5-7 people. So many discouragements and challenges. But today the Lord has honoured them. Truly sincere and committed servants of the Lord, whose only agenda is the Kingdom of God.

The school is a testament of the goodness of God. A four story building that was built on faith and trusting God. The aim is to provide secular education for the general public amidst a christian environment. I was glad to play a small part in the building of the school. God brings the right people at the right time to meet the right needs of His people. All is needed is our faith and commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

“Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.” - Hudson Taylor.

I had the previledge to share the Word of God. More than 300 people had gathered for the occasion. Many servants of God from differnt regions were also present and I felt small. I spoke from Ezra 7:10 - Raising a godly generation. 

It was a festive and celebratory mood as the church members rejoiced to see how God was using them in Berastagi. 

I thank God for this privilege to observe history in its making, highlighting the majesty of God. Now we are looking to the next phase of staring a Bible school in this premises. 

When a person is totally committed to God and His desire, there is not telling of what God can do through such a vessel. The sky is the limit. I have seen this is so many lives. 

The next day we departed Berastagi at 5:00AM to Singapore. The journey to the airport took only 2 hrs 15 mins. Jeya will go back home and I will continue my trip to Delhi, India.

Tired but satisfied. The "Joy of the Lord is my strength". 

To God be the glory.


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