Urgent need in Myanmar = Shadrach Home

Praise Evangelical Church, Singapore runs a children’s Home in a small town in the mountains in Thantyan, Northern Shan State. About 30 kids, receive food, shelter, education and a Christian environment to grow. Many are orphans or from single mothers who are not able to bring up the children.


As you are probably aware that the local resistance forces are fighting the junta forces in many parts of Myanmar.  ethnic armed groups gave notice letter to the military camps located in Thantayng. Last Friday the town of Lashio, Shan State was taken over by the resistance forces after a boldly battle. 


Yesterday morning we were informed that the resistance forces have threatened to attack Thantayng in three days if the junta soldiers don’t surrender. People in Tantyang are in panic and many are leaving to the safe zones.


This morning our Coordinator, Pst John Phongsar, updated that both sides are ready for war but no guy fire is heard yet. Many civilians have left the town. 


All shops and schools are closed. 

Contingency Plan

While we pray for God’s intervention and protection, this is our plan to help the children:

Make relief plan for emergency that children would be fed and safe somehow during the war. We need to find a safe place in nearby village far away from Tantyang where children can be taken for temporary refuge if the war break out. 


  • Stock up rations and medicines. A 20kg bag of rise now cost USD 50.
  • Temporary tents for the children to stay
  • About 30 or more gallons of petrol for moving the children and things 



I am proposing to send them Sing$5000 for the initial plans to move the kids. If you are led to help, please contact me and I will advise you how to transfer the funds.


Appreciate your prayers and support for the children.


God bless you and family.


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