Meeting good friends

This evening,  Jeya and I hosted a dinner at our favourite resturant, for Pst Amrit and his wife from Nepal. Pst Amrit is visiting Singapore at the invitation of Dr Mike Ong, a missionary to Nepal and who coordinates PEC's church planting effort in Nepal. Pst Amrit overseas our training centre and also supervisors some of the CPs on the ground.

Pst Amrit is a man of humility and very sincere in serving the Lord and we are blessed to have bee connected with him. I have traveled with him last Nov and I know what CP work in Nepal means. It's very hard. 

Rev Albert Pang and his wife Josephine, who had just returned from a mission trip to Odisha also joined us for the dinner. It was good time listening to the wonderful things God is doing in Odisha.

Dr Mike and his wife Carol also joined us and as the scriptures says in Malachi 3:16 - Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. We had a pleasant conversation around the table about Kingdom matters.

Sucha a joy.


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