
Showing posts from July, 2024

Leadership Training at Agra

I arrived Agra on 27 Sep at about 7:30PM. My immigrant clearance was super fast and I was out off the airport by 8:15PM. Bishop Thomas' son Seegan Paul, who was going me for this trip, had arrived around the same time and ws waiting for me at the arrival gate. This is Seegan's first trip out of Tamil Nadu and the first flight in his life. Truly a historical moment for him.  Bro Deepak was supposed to pick us up from the airport but he got struck in the traffic in Delhi. So we decided to have a light meal while we waited for them. Seegan was so shocked at the cost on the menu, that he refused to eat. 🤣 He had hardly traveled out of his hometown in Veerapandi village in Villupuram district, and everything was a new experience for him.  Deepak and the driver arrived after two hours. 🤯 It was a joy to meet Deepak after a long time. The last time we met was in 2016. A fine young man with great potential and leadership qualities.  From there it was a 4 hour drive to Agra. I was ex

New School Dedication in Berastagi

  Jeya and I departed for Medan on 25 Jul at about 2:00PM for Medan. we were on our way to Berastagi for the school opening ceremony. At Changi Airport, we met Jeremy, Bishop Ezra's son, who was also going there for the occasion.  On arrival at Medan, we met Stanley, Pst Sam Rasoo's son, who was also going for the same event. Together we all departed in the same vehicle for Berastagi.  Along the way at the outskirts of Medan, our vehicle was involved in a 4 car collision. Fortunately no one's hurt. All the cars had damage to various degrees. We were stuck on the road for more than an hour, waiting for the police to arrive. After some "settlement" we were back on our way to Berastagi. We arrived at Berastagi about 7:00PM. It was so good to meet Bishop Ezra and his wife Ps Janice. Many people from Singapore and other parts of Indonesia have also arrived for the special occasion. On 26 Jul, was the official opening of the Elim Kairos School and also the celebration o

The Wise and Foolish Builders - Matthew 7:24-28

  One of the mistakes we make, and I am quite guilty as well, is that we take the scriptures out of context and use it to suit our own thoughts and intentions. Most of the time it appears good, relevant   and encouraging, but we really misconstrued what was intended and so doing, teach another doctrine. The parable of the wise and the foolish builders, is another good example of taking the scriptures out of context.  Jesus had just finished his discourse to a multitude. We call it the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon impacted the listens of that day so much that, Matthew records their creation in this manner: Matthew 7:28-29 - When Jesus had finished saying these things,   the crowds were amazed at his teaching,   because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. This sermon had such profound impact, not just to those who listened that day, it continues to impact generations, even to this day. In fact India's Mahatma Ghandi said,  "The Sermon on

Food for the soul - Why eat?

I have read this verse many times and most of the time it was a  reinforcement of God's Word as a weapon against the fiery darts of the enemy.  But today's  reading  was a  strong  knock on my heart and head.  Food is not just for consumption but a reminder that God's Word is essential for our personal well being. We are well  acquainted with this verse in Matthew 4:4 and often the citation is used in reference to using God's Word when facing temptations and challenges in life. And that's very true. David reenforces this truth: Psalms 119:11 -  I have hidden your word in my heart  that I might not sin   against you. But Jesus was  in fact  quoting from an Old  Testament verse in His encounter with Satan: Deuteronomy  8:3 - He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. Every thing God doe

Weekend at GNF, Kuching

Jeya and I were invited to speak at Good New Fellowship (GNF) in  Kuching, Sarawak, last weekend. GNF has been partnership PEC in supporting church planters in Tamil Nadu and Odisha. GNF, itself  has planted many churches in Sarawak, especially in the native areas, in the hills and mountains. Their support in India has led to the planting of many new churches.  I have been to Kuching a few times but this was the first for Jeya. A nice small town, peaceful and generally quiet. I loved it there. From the airport our first stop was for a "chendol delight" with Sis Lydia, another of our partners in the mission field.  On Saturday (13 Jul) we spoke at GNF's Bahasa service. About 150 people were there and the tangible presence of the Lord filled the place.  Pst Leslie and his wife hosted us and I was amazed at how organised the church was. I spoke on the "Incomparable Love of God" and many people responded. People were weeping in the presence of the Lord, something th

Update on SH, Myanmar

Received the following update from Pst John Phongsar. "Our caretaker in the Home, Sis Khaw Shine was able to purchase 27 bags of rice with the money that was borrowed. All transportation is still closed that no one is allowed to travel crossing townships.  Schools announced that it will remain closed unless the authorities from both sides officially said to calm down.  No one is allowed to leave now. Both sides  are trying to use civilians as human shield." Please continue to pray for the safety of the children. By God's grave we managed to  raise  some funds and sent it to the Home today for the urgent needs.  Thank you.

Light, Salvation, Fortress

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” - Psalms 27:1 NLT   This morning’s devotion assured me of three important aspects of God’s insurance that forms my spiritual “iron dome” against the avalanche of attacks of the enemy.  (Doesn’t it sound like the ongoing war in the ME?)   He is my light He is my salvation He is my fortress.   God is my light.  This assures me that God gives us guidance and wisdom in making simple or even complex decisions.  Psalms 119:105  -  Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  In life’s journey, God’s light doesn’t illuminate the entire road, but rather guides us step by step, like the beams of a car's headlights. My life’s experience has taught me that that is sufficient for had I known the whole journey, I would not have embarked in the first place. Trust God, one step at a time, even though the future seems oblique.    God is my salvat

Urgent need in Myanmar = Shadrach Home

Praise Evangelical Church, Singapore runs a children’s Home in a small town in the mountains in  Thantyan , Northern Shan State. About 30 kids, receive food, shelter, education and a Christian environment to grow. Many are orphans or from single mothers who are not able to bring up the children. Situation As you are probably aware that the local resistance forces are fighting the junta forces in many parts of Myanmar.  ethnic armed groups gave notice letter to the military camps located in Thantayng. Last Friday the town of Lashio, Shan State was taken over by the resistance forces after a boldly battle.    Yesterday morning we were informed that the resistance forces have threatened to attack Thantayng in three days if the junta soldiers don’t surrender. People in Tantyang are in panic and many are leaving to the safe zones.   This morning our Coordinator, Pst John Phongsar, updated that both sides are ready for war but no guy fire is heard yet. Many civilians have left the town.    A

3 days enriching seminar

  We have arranged a 3-day seminar from 8-10  Jul  on  Spiritual  Authority for our  younger  church planters in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.  This  is our  continuous equipping program for our CPs so that they will be ready and equipped to face the challenges in the ministry. About 50 CPs have gathered for this seminar. Our facilitator is Rev Suresh, a partner and associate with PEC India. Rev Suresh has resigned his lucrative career in the market place to concentrate on the calling upon his life. We thank God for such dedicated servants whose only passion is the Kingdom of God. Special thanks to our Bishop Nehemiah for organising this important training for the CPs.  We pray for a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit and everyone will be impacted during the sessions. To God be the glory.

Remembering William Tyndale - What an inspiration

William Tyndale, the man who translated the Bible into English and was burnt alive at the ridiculous young age of 42 years old, for his efforts. (Google Foxe's book of Martyrs.) Nearly 500 years ago, this week, William Tyndale, fondly called 'Father of the English Bible' was strangled and burned at the stake after being tried and convicted of heresy and reason for translating the Bible into English. HIS OFFENSE! He translated the Greek Bible into English. That you have a Bible in a language you can read is largely due to his labours, and many of the very phrases you read in it retain the flavour of his understanding of the Greek and Hebrew. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, Tyndale had a powerful desire to make the Bible available even to the common people in England, in order to correct the 'Biblical ignorance of the priests.' At one point Tyndale told a priest, "If God spares my life, are many years pass, I will cause a boy that driveth the plow, shall know

Meeting good friends

This evening,  Jeya and I hosted a dinner at our favourite  resturant , for Pst Amrit and his wife from Nepal. Pst Amrit is visiting Singapore at the invitation of Dr Mike Ong, a missionary to Nepal and who coordinates PEC's church planting  effort in Nepal. Pst Amrit overseas our training centre and also supervisors some of the CPs on the ground. Pst Amrit is a man of humility and very sincere in serving the Lord and we are blessed to have bee connected with him. I have traveled with him last Nov and I know what CP work in Nepal means. It's very hard.  Rev Albert Pang and his wife Josephine, who had just returned from a mission trip to Odisha also joined us for the dinner. It was good time listening to the wonderful things God is doing in Odisha. Dr Mike and his wife Carol also joined us and as the scriptures says in Malachi 3:16 -  Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. We had a  pleasant   conversation  around the table about