Reaching the unreached in Odisha

This is Bondli Village, 26 km from Bishamcuttack, Rayagada, Odisha. This village is located in a very dangerous place on the mountain. In the end 2023, Bishop Anjan and his team crossed two mountains of hight 5000 feet from sea level to reach this village. There is no proper road nor electricity in this village. The people were very backward people and the literacy was zero percent. They simply live off the ground.

There are more than 40 children in this village. And there was no school here. If any one wanted to go then he or she had to walk 15 kms to reach school. As such not a single child from the village attended school. It was really very painful for us to hear about this situation. There was also no facility for those who were sick or for pregnant women.

PEC decided to start a tuition centre in this village. We sent a CP and his wife to live in this village and start this work. Today the kids are receiving some education and a house church has been started in this village.

Today Rev Albert Pang his wife Josephine, both in their mid 70's went up to th village on motorbikes. Josephine said that the mountain tracks were scary and dangerous. Riding on motorcycles on undulating rock terrain was an "experience". She had never sat on a motorcycle before.

But they were blessed to see the work done by PEC church planters. in this remote place. 

We are thankful to God and Bishop Anjan and his team who are doing this best to reach the unreached remote places in Odisha with the gospel.

There is much to be done and we just can't keep silent.


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