Office or the officer

If you have served in the church for some time, you would have been accustomed to accusations and insults from your own members and leaders. Most of the time they are unfounded and often prompted by pride, jealously or envy. It always lighter if these are from the external sources but it's so painful when it comes from your very own flock.

How does one respond to these allegations or insults.

I am reminded of Aaron's rod that budded. The children of Israel murmured against Mosses and Aaron. They questioned their authority and incited a rebellion. In order to show that Aaron and his tribe are specially chosen,  the Lord performed a miracle by causing Aaron's rod to bud and flower while the rod of the representatives of the other tribes didn't.  God commanded Moses to have the leader of each tribe of Israel bring his rod or staff to the tent of meeting, with Aaron’s rod representing the tribe of Levi. Each of the twelve leaders was to have his name inscribed on his rod. The Lord told Moses, “Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. Then I will finally put an end to the people’s murmuring and complaining against you” (Numbers 17:5).  left their rods before the Lord, and in the morning “Aaron’s staff, representing the tribe of Levi, had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds” (verse 8). Aaron’s rod didn’t just sprout buds; it brought forth flowers and fruit, a clear demonstration of the power of the One who gives life. Verse 10 says, “And the Lord said to Moses: ‘Place Aaron’s staff permanently before the Ark of the Covenant to serve as a warning to rebels. This should put an end to their complaints against me and prevent any further deaths.’”

I think one must ask the following question?
  • Is the accusation directed at an individual as a person? If yes and if its baseless, then one should try and ignore it and  let the Lord be the judge. Rome 12:19for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. God defended Moses and also Aaron, His servants. Exercise the fruit of the Spirit and pray for the good of the person. Let the Lord deal with the situation. 
  • If true, repent and apologise. 
  • Is the accusation directed at the office or the functions of the leader or person? If there is basis for the allegation, the church leadership will have to act and take the appropriate actions to put systems in place.
  • If there is no basis for the allegation, the complainant ought to be reprimanded, if he is a member of the church. 
In all circumstances, the fruit of the Spirit must be seen and the Name of Jesus glorified. If by our actions and words, this is not happening, one should refrain and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance in the matter. He is the best counsellor. Ask His intervention. 


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