
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sunday service at ALFC.

This morning I had the privilege of sharing the Word at ALFC. I am thankful to Senior Pastor Allan Ang for the invitation. Over the years I have seen the life of Pst Ang, his passions and sacrifices for the kingdom. Now at 85 years old, he still goes out giving tracts every week. Yesterday was his birthday. What an example. Over the years I have made many friends in this church and some of them are actively helping us in our mission work. The church was packed inspire of the heavy rain the whole morning and the worship was simply in His presence. My theme was "Faith over Fear and the text taken from 1 Samuel 14:6 . This verse is so rich in content and I am not sure if I did justice in expanding the richness of the Word this morning.  My key points were: Faith in the Sovereignty of God. Faith in the Supremacy of God. Faith in the Surety of God. Faith in the Submission to God ‘s Word. I was blessed and so were the people. To God be the glory.

Back to School - Rasoolpura

Report from Bishop Nehemiah Dear sir, greetings in Jesus name. This evening we had "Back to School Program" at Dr. Jessica Ramachandran’s Vidya Jyothi Centre Rasoolpura.  39 Boys 35 Girls all together 74 students benefitted.   Most of the students are very poor and from non Christian homes.  Like every year, this year also all of them got the school bags, notebooks, pens, pencils, exam pads and other necessary stationary.  It’s a great help to the students and parents… Thanks a lot that PEC is being a blessing in the lives of the students  Please continue to pray for the center and teachers 🙏💐🙏 Bishop Nehemiah Rao PEC  Coordinator  AP/Telangana

The transformer - Heart of stone to heart of flesh

Ezekiel 36:26 -  I will give you a new heart  and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone  and give you a heart of flesh. The theme of God "rewriting" or transforming individuals' histories is profoundly evident throughout the Bible.  This divine intervention typically involves taking a person’s past, with all its imperfections and mistakes, and guiding their future towards fulfilling His purposes.  There are several compelling examples from scripture that showcase how God can profoundly alter the course of people's lives: Moses: From Fugitive to Deliverer Ruth: From Widow to Ancestor of Kings David: From Shepherd to King Rahab: From Prostitute to Progenitor Paul (Saul of Tarsus): From Persecutor to Apostle Peter: From Fisherman to Leader of the Church Mary Magdalene: From Demon-Possessed to Witness of the Resurrection These examples illustrate how God’s transformative power can radically change lives, often turning past failures, sins, or

PEC's 207 & 208th church buildings dedicated in Odisha

Two churches were dedicated in Odisha. The first one was dedicated on 7  Jun in a village in Chandrapur. About 120 people gathered for the church dedication. This building was sponsored by Rev Albert Pang and his wife Josephine and they dedicated the  church.  The second building was dedicated today in a village in Ambodala. About 60 people attended the dedication. This building was sponsored by a friend Bro Dave Thomas in Atlanta.  We are thankful to God for enabling us to build the 207 & 208th church building in the mission field. We are also grateful to the sponsors for their partnership. May the Lord richly reward them. 

Reaching the unreached in Odisha

This is Bondli Village, 26 km from Bishamcuttack, Rayagada, Odisha. This village is located in a very dangerous place on the mountain. In the end 2023, Bishop Anjan and his team crossed two mountains of hight 5000  feet from sea level to reach this village. There is no proper road nor electricity in this village. The people were very backward people and the literacy was zero percent. They  simply  live off the ground. There are more than 40 children in this village. And there was no school here. If any one wanted to go then he or she had to walk 15 kms to reach school. As such not a single child  from  the village attended school. It was really very painful for us to hear about this  situation . There was also no facility for those who were  sick  or for  pregnant  women. PEC  decided  to start a  tuition  centre in this village. We sent a CP and his wife to live in this  village  and start this work. T oday  the kids are  receiving  some education and a house  church   has been  start

How do you want to be remembered?

Philippians 1:3   -  I thank my God every time I remember you. In life, we meet many people. We have relationships at different levels. The closest to us will be our family members, then our relatives, our friends, colleagues and the list goes on. Some of them we hold to us dearly while many acquaintances will be just a fleeting momentary thought.  But how do we remember these relationships or rather how would you like to remembered by the others. I know of children who just don’t want to talk about their parents. I also know of parents who have been abandon by their children. They wish their children were not born. “I wish they were dead”, that’s how some think of others.  When I think of some people, the first thoughts about them are: A godly person Speaks the truth from the heart A loving father or mother A great example to follow I want to be like him A man of great humility But there are some, unfortunately called Christians, my impressions of them are not so reputable: The people

Food for you want to be a prayer warrior?

7 THINGS KILLING YOUR PRAYER LIFE. 1. Excessive eating: Eating more than necessary at night will only weaken your body. 2. Sleep: You must train body to sleep less and stay awake. Sleep drain your strength to pray. The truth is, some sleep is an attack. 3. Filthiness of the spirit and soul: Pornography, sex chat and impure thoughts are killers of prayer stamina. Your inner man would always be defeated by feeding your spirit man with filthy and erotic content. 4. Bad atmosphere: Atmosphere you create and find yourself matter a lot. If you're among prayer weaklings, gossip and carnal believers your prayer fire will die. Gossip and backbite would frustrate you. 5. Poor feeding of your inner man. If your spirit man isn't well fed you can't be a prayer champion. You don't listen to sermons, you hardly study the word or Christian articles then your prayer life will be starved to death. 6. Worry: No worrier becomes a prayer warrior. Kill your worry to give life to you prayer s