Visiting church planters in Bihar

It was a hectic day of long travel. We left the residence very early at 5:30AM. We were heading for a place in a neighbouring state where one of one first batch student, Jigar, had planted a church. Fortunately most part of the journey was on reasonably good roads. When we reached the remote places, the roads became sand tracks and bumpy. We had to cross a hill and walk at lest 2 km on slippery rocks down hill. By the time we reached the village, it was 3:00 PM.  

About 20 people had gathered in a temporary shed. Jigar is only 20 years old, but he has really done the work of an evangelist and reached out to the villagers. If fact he has started work in another village about 30 Km away.  We were really impressed to see what God can do with a person who is committed. Jigger comes from a very backward group of tribal people. He is not well educated but he has the passion for souls and evangelism. Many of the people are ready for baptism of the current batch. I was moved to see this work.  I shared a very simple message from the Bible and prayed for them. Dinner was two boiled eggs as it was not hygienic to eat from the shops along the way.

The return journey was painful. After 6 hrs on the road, we finally arrived at Rev Reji’s place, fully exhausted. 


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