Another milestone - 29th Wedding Anniversary.

Yesterday Jeya and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. As we look back at our marriage life, we can only say that its because of God's faithfulness we have come thus far. Last year at this time we were in the mission field and we had very challenging moments. But as we look back, we can truly say with gospel song writer Andrea Crouch, "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God". (Andrea Crouch passed away this week leaving behind a legacy of some of the finest Christian songs ever written).

It has not been easy with so many responsibilities and tasks. We have our share of joy and frustrations. By my wife has been patient and kind, extremely understanding, even when I chose to make the "wrong" decisions. Because we know God is in control of our lives and our children.

We look forward to the next many years the Lord will lead us together. We are thankful for the many doors that are opening in the ministry. We know that God's ways are perfect and all His ways are just. His ways are higher than ours and we know that He will fulfil the purpose for which He has put us in this world. 

We pray that God will help us to be faithful to Him and to one another and as Paul said, : I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phi 3:13


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