What a trip to Nepal

I am sitting at the airport restaurant in Kathmandu, checked in and waiting for my departure to New Delhi and from there, onward to Singapore. 

Just sipping and enjoying the Americano coffee and a slice of cheese cake as I reminiscent my last nine days in Nepal. It has been a incredibly tough trip but one filled with joy, great satisfaction and challenges.

Tough because of the bad roads, tracks and mountain trekking that really tested my endurance and my back was sore.  Couple of knocks on the head as the vehicle danced to the tune of the undulating terrain. Days when I had terrible diarrhoea, running from one mountain toilet to another. Thank God I had Dr Mike Ong on this trip who is a medical doctor from Singapore, who attended to my condition. Times when we had to sleep on the cold floor with thin sheets of cloth, with rodents in the vicinity. Temperatures dropped to a low of 10-12 degrees centigrde in the nights. Eating the food offered by the villagers as we were up in the mountains and no other source of food. Hygiene was a big question mark but we gave thanks for God's provision.😩There were times I could not take shower, because it was too cold and it would inconvenience the others. (The other members in the team did not take shower for 5 days). They were puzzled when I insisted on having a shower. “People  only take shower once a month here”, was the painful response.😱  Times when we had to trek up 15 km to reach the village. When I reached the top, I could not feel my legs. And my sole was sore. And still had to stand and preach a gospel message as many non believers were present at the meeting. Even now walking is difficult with the sore feet. 

We left out mineral water bottles inadverntly in the vehicle. So had to drink water from the stream, up in the mountains. The roads were narrow, bumpy, rock and sand filled. No barricades by the side of the mountain tracks. If the driver makes a mistake you go down the ravine a few hundred feet down.

The toilets reminded me of the old Naval  Base home in the 70's. At least those were spacious. Here in the mountains were so small as if made for dwarfs and literally need go crawl in some places. Hard knocks the head (bleeding as well) and your back as the ceiling was too low and you cant see it in the dark. If you have knee problem, you are in big trouble. Squatting is the only option. And you better have your own light source. 

We slept in the homes of our CPs. First time in the trip where I did not stay in a hotel. The villagers are very hospitable and extremely kind. But sleeping on the mud floors breaks the Singaporean's back.😆

Great satisfaction because I met some like minded people in the field. Dr Mike Ong, Pst Prem, Pst Amrit Pahari and the church Planters are true missionaries. I am nowhere near them, no comparison. They live such simple lives, make so many sacrifices and yet serve the Lord with such a great passion and joy. Their commitment to the kingdom of God is incredible.  I was so amazed at the level they would go to reach the unreached. They don’t have much financial resources, not much publicity or any worldly credits to their names. But they know Jesus and they loved the Lord with all their hearts. The Great Commission is their only passion. Salvation of souls - their only ambition. And they are willing to give their lives for it. I was encouraged and satisfied to see the work of our church planters. Hard ground but they persevere. There was love, unity of purpose and humility in service. I felt terribly small. Joy also to see people respond to the gospel message. 

Challenges- There are so many villages, scattered all over the plains and the mountains in Nepal without the gospel. Thousands in number. There is a greater need for evangelism and church planting. Yes there are many social and political restrictions. But these had always existed and the Command to GO is beckoning beyond measure.

If we don’t respond, who will. If we don’t go, how will they know Jesus?

How I can just keep quiet?

The church needs to be missional, see the Great Commission as its priority and the rest will fall in place. 

If we believe Jesus is real, then the Great Commission must be our passion.


  1. It was a great opportunity to me fellowship with Rev Rama P. God bless you are.

  2. I read all... The lines are awesome and truthful 😍. Let's pray 🙏 and work together for the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. All glory to god for your life,sacrifice,hard work and god needs great man of god like you for his kingdom I appreciate you once againto you

  4. Wow! Praise the Lord for the wonderful testimonies of your mission trip. Thank God for His sustaining strength and protection for all the challenges you went through.

  5. Dear Rev Dr Rama; I read your excellent report on your recent mission trip to Nepal. You and team who travelled with you n the Church Planters are great inspiration to me. May God bless n reward all of you richly. Be.assured of my prayers and support as you continue to fulfil the high calling of God. I am very proud of you. Take care .

  6. Amazing efforts brother to reach the unreached with the Good news.God bless you and your team.


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